On Friday, Laura came home somewhat later than usual (d'accord, that's *so* not relevant), grabbing and pretty much forcing me into the bathroom. "Sophie," she said, "Make yourself look pretty, and get to bed early--tomorrow is going to be a special day."
"Special day?!" I looked to her imploringly, "what is so special about a Saturday?" And then I remembered...Saturday was April 4th. Right, I'd better get ready.
So I did what us 12-almost-13 year old girls do best:
I shaved...
And, of course, I styled my hair in my signature hair buns, though lower than I usually wear them.
I was all set to slip quietly out of the dorms--goodbyes are so NOT my thing--when Nathalie came running in. "SOPHIE AMÉLIE MOREAU!" she chastised, "Don't tell me you are leaving without saying goodbye to ME!" And, to make matters worse, she overdramatized the statement--like she always does. This was no good--I didn't want to start crying like a baby because I was about to leave my best friend.
I hugged her, told her I was going to miss her, but promised to keep in touch. She laughed weakly, "Don't make promises you won't keep."
"Of course!" Nathalie grinned, pulling out her camera. "Let's have Laura take a picture of us, and then we can exchange locks of hair!"
As you can see, we did get that picture, but the locks of hair? I mean, come on, how pathetic can you get?! Nathalie may think she's Anne Shirley, but I am not really Diana Barry.
But where did I go? Maybe this picture I took of Lindsey's Felicity doll will clue you in:
Anyway, Laura, her mom, and I decided to drive down there to say hi to fellow AGF'ers, have lunch, and walk amongst the historic buildings. We were especially looking forward to seeing Jeanette, since she's hosted my classmate Anya and quite a few of the traveling girls who've visited here (including my Canadian pal Sophie Berlin!).
We didn't buy tickets or anything, but it was equally nice to stroll along the colonial streets. Here I am at the jail, or gaol, as Virginian colonists called it:
So as I'm writing this, I am in Williamsburg with a lovely Felicity and Little Jeanette (I'm told she normally lives with Ria)...and Gracie? Gracie is with Laura, back in Richmond at our very own Fair Hollow School for Girls. Gracie'll stay with my friends until mid-summer and then she'll join me in Utah. She'll be bringing my traveling box to me because, after my stay with Jeanette, I'll be continuing my travels around the country.
Gracie and I actually got to meet before we officially switched places. Though we look nothing alike, we felt a little like Annie and Hallie of "The Parent Trap."
LOL, I wonder what Gracie's doing now? Hopefully the girls will take it easy on her, but since she's a guest, I'm sure they will. :)
So, dear friends, I'll keep you as updated as I can, and maybe Gracie will post a few things here as well.
Au revoir pour maintenant,
(P.S. I guess I can safely call myself "Traveling Sophie" now!)